Gauging STD risk

This activity will help you think and learn about behaviors that can put you at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This will also help you learn about behaviors that do not put you at risk for STDs. Read the following behaviors and then choose either a low (safe), medium (use caution), or high STD risk. Avoiding risky behaviors is how you can lower your chances of getting an STD.

How Risky Is It?

Not having sex?
Using a public toilet
French kissing or tongue kissing
Shaking hands with a person who has HIV
Unprotected sex
Avoiding getting tested for STDs
Drinking alcohol
Sex with a condom
Donating blood
Sex using only birth control pills, patch, shot, implant or IUD
Unprotected oral sex without a condom
Smoking a joint before having sex
Using an oil-based lubricant with a condom

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Safe Passage is an Indigenous-developed mobile-responsive website created with input and design ideas from inspirational Indigenous young women in the Fort Peck and White Mountain Apache communities. The young leaders contributed to the collective goal of this resource, which is to promote strong Indigenous womanhood, traditional knowledge, positive relationships, cultural identity, and informed reproductive health.

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